Katie Hession - Meal Share Community Director and Instagram Influencer - By:Julia

Last Thursday Blue Sky had yet another guest speaker, One of this week's guest speakers was Katie Hession. Katie is the community director at Mealshare Ottawa and an instagram influencer with over 20k followers! Katie began her career as an instagrammer in 2015 when she had her first child and moved back to Ottawa. She didn't like the fact that when she asked someone about the best things about Ottawa the answer the majority of the time would be “There's nothing in Ottawa” or “Ottawa's boring”. She felt like she needed to change this so she started her instagram account @Yowcitystyle to showcase the fashion industry in Ottawa and showcase stylish people in stylish places around the city. In the past 2 years she has gained yet another amazing career with Mealshare as a community director, she is in charge of getting new restaurants to join the Mealshare platform. Incase you don't know what Mealshare is, it is an organization that restaurants partner with, if you see the malshare icon next to an item on the menu of a restaurant that means if you purchase that item a portion of the profit will be donated to Mealshare to be put towards purchasing a healthy meal to a child/youth in need.

A quote that really resonated with us from Katie’s visit was “ Your network is your net worth” - Grace Hill


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