Action About Climate Change - by Nate

There was a lot of talk about climate change in the past few weeks with Greta Thunberg, the climate strike, and the Canadian English debate.

Students of Blue Sky School took part in the strike happening around the world.

Climate change was also a large topic, one of the five main topics in the English language debate that took place in the Canadian history museum in Gatineau.

It is pretty clear to me that climate change is a disaster that is almost imminent and anyone who doesn’t think that can go soak their head. Or they can get more credible info.

“Climate action is important!” said Will.

I feel personally that climate action and enlightening yourself about the emergency is the best thing you can do. I did not attend the Ottawa climate strike yet I feel like it was needed to help convince some people. People who have the power or run large companies seem to not care about as long as the dollars keep rolling in.

The streets of downtown Ottawa were PACKED with youth protesters and their adult allies!


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