Reflections of a new Blue Sky Learner - by Jess Rice

Reflections Of A New Blue Sky Learner
By Jessica Rice

As a new Blue Sky learner, it has been my responsibility to learn how the school works and if I feel comfortable and safe here. After just one month at Blue Sky, I realize that the environment has helped me so much. Instead of sitting in a class of 30 kids with one teacher, there are enough coaches for everyone to get the help they need. Because there are so many coaches, it’s really easy to base your education and learning around your personal interests. My whole project is on animals, and because I’m learning through something I love, it is a lot more motivating and exiting. At Blue Sky, I can get the help I need with my work, and that is why I don’t feel stressed.

When I first visited Blue Sky School, I didn't expect it to be a regular school, however, I also didn’t expect it to be as awesome as it is. I have anxiety, so I have good days and bad days. Last week I had a very bad day, a good friend came in to the room I was sitting in and gave me a note about how respected I am. Her letter made my day and I then realized everyone in the school cared about me. If you’re a Blue Sky student reading this or if you’re a coach or a future student, even if you’re a parent, Blue Sky is an amazing school, it’s such a safe space. Don't think of it as a normal school, because it is not. I never expected everyone to be so thoughtful, caring, kind, and genuinely nice. I never expected to have workshops every day, I never expected to have so many new friends and amazing experiences. I also just never knew I could do the stuff I do now, in the mornings I get 2 or 3 things done off my project list, and that's a lot for me. I hadn't been to school in 4 months before Blue Sky and now I'm coming and Mondays aren't horrible anymore.

During my time at Blue Sky, I have learned organizational skills, banking skills, math skills, gardening skills, dancing skills, acting skills, responsibility, self-respect, respect for others. I have learned how to help the environment, and a bunch of other skills that I will actually need in everyday life. Blue Sky has helped me, and I’m so excited to continue my schooling here.


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